Our Flour Is The Magical Ingredient For These Delicious Recipes
There are many benefits to working at Nelstrop, but without a doubt, the biggest one is being able to taste and experiment with an unlimited amount of recipes. We have been included in hundreds of different breads and cakes over the years and we have selected a number of our most popular recipes for publication on our website.
We have tried to put them into separate categories, although just because you may be an adult, there is nothing wrong with trying out some of the children's recipes - we won't tell anyone if you do! This page aims to draw your attention to the various categories we have chosen, as these are simple but delicious tried and tested recipes.
Bread Recipes

Whether you are searching for everyday breads such as a traditional baguette, wholemeal dinner rolls, or a milk bread, through to the delights of banana bread, mango ring loaf, or delicious homemade croissants, the recipes you need are all contained within this section.
Traditional Bread Recipes

This is a smaller section devoted to three specific but hugely popular bread recipes. If you ever wanted to know how to make Wheat & Rye Bread, Traditional Wholemeal Oat Bread, or Wholemeal Naan Bread, then head straight here. Special Occasions Everyone loves to celebrate those special occasions in life, be it a Birthday, a Christening or passing a driving test!
And often, it is the food as much as the company that makes those celebrations magical. These recipes are the food that people will talk about for years to come!! This section includes almond biscotti, white chocolate brownies, orange and liquor muffins, and for those without a sweet tooth, malted toasty crusty rolls, and multiseed & flake rolls.
Childrens Recipes

It simply wouldn't be right to have an entire website section devoted to recipes without at least some special treats for the children.
A lot of thought and discussion went into this section, with many people arguing long and hard for their favourite recipes. The winners that made the cut include Chocolate Orange Muffins, Shortbread, Fruitbread, Apple Pancake with Maple Syrup and Strawberry Teacup Cakes. The biggest problem you will have in the Children's section is deciding which recipe to try first!!
Home Baking Tips

With over 200 years of expertise making flour, the team at Nelstrop have gathered a wealth of knowledge and expertise in both making flour and using that flour to its maximum potential.
We wanted to provide our visitors with some of the best tips and tricks that we have utilised over the years to make that perfect loaf of bread or delicious cake.
In this section, we pull back the curtain and provide you with some of our best-kept secrets so that you, too, can achieve the best bread and cakes with our wonderful products.
Traditional Baking Recipes

As a flour company, most people, we assume, would automatically associate our products with traditional style baking. In this section, we have published simple but delicious recipes for wheat and rye bread, afternoon tea scones, mince pies, nutty flapjacks, strawberry teacup cakes, beer yeast bread, doughnuts and numerous other popular and traditional products your family will know and love.